Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why I loved Breaking Dawn

I was a late comer to the Twilight craziness. Not as late as some people. I did catch on before the first movie came out. But only after I made fun of other people for being so excited about some dumb vampire movie. Don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against vampires. Especially not when they're played by really hot British actors. But from what I had heard about the Twilight books they were just mushy teenage love drama. Nothing really worth reading.

Sometime before the first movie came out, but after it had a release date, my mom told me that the books were actually pretty good. Somehow or other she convinced me to give them a try. And I was hooked. Granted a lot of the book is mushy teenage drama. But it's well written. And hey, I'm not so old that I don't appreciate a cute love story.

I ended up buying all four books because I couldn't wait for the library to get them all in. I went to see Twilight in theaters and was thrilled.

I love the books. I have read them all several times and of course own all the movies that are already released. The movies are great adaptations from the books.

So why am I a Twilight fan?

Well, the story is cute and compelling. No really! The main character is a teenager who doesn't really fit in and doesn't really belong anywhere. I think all teenagers face that quandary at some point. It is after all the teenage struggle. Who am I and where do I belong? It's what you spend those tumultuous years between 15 and 18 figuring out. And in the midst of the sexy vampires and drool-worthy werewolves...that's what Twilight is really about. Bella figuring out who she is and where she belongs.

There is also a really precious love story. It's completely beyond belief of course. But it's nice to lose yourself in the fiction and laugh and cry with the characters.

And although I love all four books and all the movies (so far), Breaking Dawn is definitely my favorite. In Breaking Dawn, Bella and Edward get married. And Bella has a baby. She grows up and goes through a lot of grown up things all at once.

As a mother, I loved watching Bella evolve as she finds out that she's pregnant and fights against all of her family and even her beloved Edward to have her baby. I know how it feels to have your priorities just CHANGE. From seeing a plus sign on a stick to holding that baby for the very first time. As a mom, you do a lot of emotional growing up while your belly does all that growing out. Feeling that little person move and kick. Hearing their heart beat. Knowing even before they have taken a single breath that you would give your life in an instant for them. It's a tumultuous period for a woman.

I felt like the directors and producers did a great job transitioning the written word onto the screen. When a story is told first-person like the Twilight Saga, it is a challenge to make some of the most powerful sections of the book into something visual for the screen. Especially without devolving into a lot of monologue. It also takes some pretty decent acting. Breaking Dawn was just really well done!

The wedding was gorgeous. Renesmee looked exactly how I wanted her to look. The honeymoon was adorable. The pregnancy was horrific and touching. I simply loved it!

And now of course, we have to wait a whole YEAR for the next one. Grr...

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