Monday, November 7, 2011

Five Reasons Why I Hate the Time Change

Without a doubt I absolutely hate the time changes. Both of them. Neither serves me any benefit whatsoever and they cause a lot of unnecessary drama and stress in my life.

You may think that hate is a rather strong word for something as inanimate as a time change. But nonetheless, hate it I do. Here's the top 5 reasons why:

1. The time change completely screws up my world for at least a week. Sometimes two. Evie and I are both morning people. We get out of bed early (by most standards) for no real reason. We have no where to be and nothing to do. We also both wake, unassisted by alarms or anything of the sort, at approximately the same time each morning. I could probably sleep a little later but the patter of Evie's feet into my room at about 7:30 each day is my wake up call. And I'm usually up around then even if she's still snoozing. I admit that there are days that I am a bit on the grumpy side until I've had at least a sip of coffee, but by and large I'm an a.m. sorta gal. Our body clocks firmly get us up by 8 a.m.This internal clock is incredibly hard to reset and in Evie's case, she can't read a clock. Me telling her to go back to bed for another hour makes her cry. Simultaneously, her entering my room whispering "Mommy...Mommy" at a quarter after 6 makes ME cry. It's not a fun week!

2. I can never remember how to set the clock in my car. This also creates a confusing couple of weeks. I get into my car to go to work and have a "HOLY CRAP!" moment because I think it's time for me to be at work. I hate trying to remember how to change my car clock. It involves turning off the radio and holding down buttons. It's certainly not something I should be doing while driving. And I don't really spend a lot of time in my car that I'm not driving. Honestly, many years I just let it go until spring. lol

3. I cannot fathom the reason for the time change. Yeah, I understand why the whole time change thing was initiated. I totally get daylight savings time and extending business hours and blah blah. But in this day and age, why do we need to change the clocks back? It's dark when I get up in the morning and dark when I go to bed at night. It's winter. The days are supposed to be short! And between the internet and 24/7 Walmart, does a change in the time really affect commerce? And if there's no really good reason to do it, then why are we??

4. I hate cleaning up puddles. Especially special doggie type puddles. Apparently Mushu's internal clock is as well set as Evie's. He goes to bed early, refuses to get up and go out and then I hear his little toe nails, ticking off down the hall at 6:30 a.m. This means when I get up I get to find his mess and clean it. Joy!

5. It's a pain. Is there any better reason to hate it? It ruins my mornings. Makes me exhausted. Causes my children unnecessary drama and turmoil. Ruins my carpet. Causes me to have small aneurysms trying to remember how to reprogram all of my clocks. It's like that old joke about no one being able to figure out how to program the clock on a VCR...that's me. With all my devices. Not to mention I have a hard time working out the logistics of what the time change is going to mean the next day in reference to naps and meals and stuff. I don't know why. I just need a wrinkle in my brain that I'm missing. I'm lucky that my cell phone updates on it's own. I would probably never figure it out and would spend several days very late and early and confused.

Ugh. I hate the time change!

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