Thursday, November 3, 2011


Halloween this year was a big success.

Evie got to really trick-or-treat for the first time. And she seemed to really get the whole concept. She would say "Trick-treat!" and hold up her bucket. Pretty simple I guess. She loved getting candy and was pretty bummed when the "more candy" part was over and it was time to take off the costume and get ready for bed.

This year Evie dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood. She loved her costume and I was really pleased by how good it looked and how well it fit. I ordered it like two months ago from the website, Costume Express. I had been warned by a friend to order a size larger than I needed in order to have a fitting costume and she was right. I originally wanted to get the girls costumes that sort of went together but I just couldn't find any that I liked that worked.

So Elly was a cat. But a really cute cat I thought! Evie liked Elly's costume too. She ran up to Sissy and patted her head and went on and on about Sissy's tail and Sissy's ears and how cute she was. Of course, Evie was even more excited to learn that Sissy couldn't eat any of her candy. More candy! Yay!

Evie and I talked a lot about Halloween before the day. I'm still disappointed that she wants nothing to do with gutting a pumpkin. But oh well. All last week, Disney and Nick were running their Halloween episodes. So Evie watched a few episodes of Dora celebrating Halloween and Mickey Mouse and Handy Manny, etc. And she and I talked about putting on costumes and going trick-or-treating. So she was ready!

Her excitement over Halloween makes me excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We've already been talking about Santa and her asking him for things that she wants. I want to order the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie to watch and talk about Thanksgiving. It might be silly, but holidays are really important to me. Ways to mark and celebrate the changing seasons, the passing years. Reasons to come together with family and participate in annual traditions. I feel like it's important to learn about all holidays. Not just ones that our family necessarily practices. Helps you to learn about different cultures and religions. Expands your horizons and exposes you to completely different ways of life and thinking.

Watching Evie and Josh trod down the road together, going door to door for "More Candy!" was absolutely adorable. This was Josh's first year getting to be home with Evie on Halloween. And he definitely enjoyed it. Keeping up with Evie and Elly next year will be interesting. I will definitely have to come up with something cute for the two of them to wear though!

1 comment:

  1. Glad the suggestion about the costume sizing was true and it wasn't just my kid being too big or something. lol The kids were cute!
