Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Problem With Making America "Great" Again

People yell and scream and cheer after Donald Trump talks about how he's going to "make America great again." How with him as President everything will just be "great" because he "gets along" with everyone and everyone "loves" him and he is just so awesome and amazing and wonderful. Unicorns and rainbows must come out of him on some sort of regular schedule to hear him tell it. He's great! He's going to make everything great!


First, the problem with this logic is that he's saying currently America is not great. I don't know about you, but as an American, I think America is already great. There are broken things, yes. But to buy into the Kool-Aid that Trump is selling you first need to say America is currently NOT great. Which, as American who loves this country, I find offensive. Yes, there are things that I would like to fix. No, it is not perfect. But it's still great. It's like when you have a kid. They make bad choices. They go through phases when you really aren't happy with them. There are times you might have an urge to just shake them and scream. But you still love them. They're still a great kid. They just aren't exactly where you want them to be. That's how I feel everyone should try to look at the country. It needs correction yes. Not dissolution.

This whole "great" speech caters to a genre of people that are better off, largely at least, out of the voting system entirely. Disgruntled and unqualified members of society that have the constant "chip-on-the-shoulder" syndrome. Those who need a scape goat and an under dog to blame all the wrong turns their life has taken on. Someone to point a finger at.

"Those damn illegal aliens! Those damn blacks! Those damn women!"

This group needs to blame someone else for why their life hasn't been a bed of roses. And by golly, Donald has given them that. They're popping out of the woodwork and falling over themselves to salute this misogynist demagogue. Literally saluting him. And swearing oaths of loyalty. And if that video doesn't give you chills you really need a reality check.

But his speech also caters to that class of voters who feel like both sides have let them down. And they see Donald Trump as the candidate who doesn't belong to either party. Both parties hate him so he must want something that is good for me! Right? No. Both parties hate him because he's a pompous ignorant racist. That's why everyone should hate him. The problem with liking him because he's an outsider who doesn't play by the rules is that he is an outsider who doesn't play by the rules. How long do you think not playing by the rules is going to work out for him when dealing with foreign countries? How about when dealing with Congress? How about dealing with civil unrest and anarchy and rioting? Oh wait. We've already see how he deals with that.

Second, what makes you think a RICH business man (who has filed bankruptcy and is currently trying to sort out some fraud charges with that whole Trump University fiasco) is going to help the middle class? When has a rich business man helped you out? Seriously. If you make less than 6 figures a year, Trump has zero interest in you. He needs the wealthy to stay wealthy. Why? Because they're his friends! Duh.

And yes. Trump says what he wants to. Why? Because it sells! He's a reality TV star. And he has been given the biggest stage of all. American Politics! He's playing America for a bunch of fools and the GOP is not only letting him, they're helping him! I can't understand why anyone would elect anyone to office of the President because he "says what he wants." That is asinine and ridiculous. Way to start WW3. The rest of the world, literally, is laughing at us. And praying that we come to our senses so the world doesn't blow itself up.

Third, this man NEVER, and I mean NEVER, explains how he's going to go about making everything so "great." So you're voting for someone who has mentioned wanting to make Mexico build a wall but no details beyond that. He's going to cut taxes, but no mention as for who. He's going to bring back jobs, but he's not said how. He has no foreign policy plan (and even less qualifications for dealing with foreign issues) and has never discussed how he feels about the Middle East, Russia or China. I feel it's safe to say he is "pro-gun" just because he's such a fan of violence and racism but it's hard to say what else he's for. Because he never NEVER talks about anything. Other than how great he is. How stupid everyone else is. And his manhood. Yeah, Trump has talked about that. Very presidential.

The man has created his own militia to enforce peace at his rallies. He has people saluting him and swearing to vote for him. He hates minorities and women and makes jokes about the poor. He has been married multiple times and his current wife was a nude model. He promotes violence and encourages his supporters to attack others. I cannot even wrap my brain around how this man is still a candidate. Let alone why anyone wants to vote for him.

Can someone please tell me what he's going to actually DO to make anything GREAT?!?

Way to go party of Reagan. I'm sure he'd be proud.