Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tis the Season

The tree is officially up and Christmas season 2011 is under way. Putting the tree up was kind of a nightmare. Just to be honest. Evie spent most of it crying because her Dada kept yelling at her to stop touching everything. Elly was pretty content just to watch us and wrestle a gift bag.

Either way. The tree is up.

I'm loving it! Evie is driving me a little crazy with all the messing with the tree. And pulling decorations off. And rearranging presents. And more messing. Oh my gosh. It's crazy obnoxious. But it's all about the spirit. You know that so special holiday spirit. It's all about family. Especially the kids. Yeah she's driving me nuts. But she's so excited about Christmas and presents and Santa. I told her it was a birthday party for Jesus. And she asked if we were going to blow out candles. We don't typically...but I've heard of people having a cake and candles for Christmas. Evie might be one of those people!

Have I mentioned that Evie is driving me a bit crazy? Yeah. Okay. Just wanted to make sure you got that.

In other news, Breaking Dawn was awesome. Really awesome. Made me sniffle a few times. And laugh out loud a few. All in all really enjoyed it.

Also, still madly in love with my phone! So totally in love! Hehe. I'm actually writing and posting this blog on my phone. How neat huh?


  1. One year, right after my dad got saved, we had a birthday cake for Jesus. It was pretty cool. That Christmas will always stand out in my memory. It's the only year we did it. Pretty cool!

  2. LOVE YOUR TREE!!! It is beautiful! Piper is so into Christmas this year! She is already watching "Frosty" and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town!" She also will not leave the tree alone. She loves to look at her ornaments that my MIL buys us all every year. She will say, "There is Piper bear." I love this time of year!!!
