Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Season for Giving

I have always loved Christmas. I loved all of my family's little traditions and holiday festivities. I looked forward to the holiday, not just for the presents, but for the time spent with family and being together. And of course the fabulous food!

Now that I have kids, I look forward to Christmas even more. I remember how excited my mom was about Christmas and I totally get it now. Picking out gifts for the kids and wrapping them and waiting a month (or two in my case!) for them to open them. Getting to see their excitement and wonder. It is just so much fun!

I was so excited about Christmas and so worried that I would be overwhelmed with other things that I did pretty much all of my Christmas shopping early. That worked out pretty well because there's no way that I could have time and brain power to do all that now.

Now that Elly is really, REALLY crawling I am ready to pull my hair out. She is into everything. I'm not sure what the difference is for her mentally between her scooting around on her butt and getting into stuff and crawling across the floor to get into stuff. But either way, when she was scooting around the living room she would get out toys that she found but she wasn't getting into much. Now it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep up with her. She's crawling down the hall and following me around the house. She's trying to climb the Christmas tree, pulling out all of my baking pans and tupperware, rearranging the kitchen furniture, dragging bath towels into the living room, pinning Evie down to steal HER toys...it's insane.

I'm loving her mobility. Not so much her new found love for destruction and danger. I guess she tries to make up for it by crawling into my lap and laying her head on my knee. That just melts my heart! It's too precious.

Either way, I'm really glad that I did all the Christmas shopping last month. I am, however, having a REALLY hard time not buying them four or five more things. I am getting ONE more thing for each of them. Because I had never really found anything that I was just in love with giving them from Santa. But now I have. So one more purchase. And of course stocking stuffers. But I've already got a decent list made for those so I'm not worried.

But I absolutely love giving gifts. If I were rich I would buy extravagant things for everyone I know. Since I'm not rich, I'm having a hard time not spoiling my kids rotten and ruining our finances. It's so hard! Especially since Evie is old enough to want things and enjoy getting stuff without being so old that she's asking for 14000 things and driving me insane about it.

When I was growing up we always got one thing from Santa and our stockings. The stockings were gifts to keep us busy until my parents got up and the present was usually one medium sized or priced item that we had really wanted. The biggest and best gifts always came from my parents. So I never had this expectation that Santa was this magical person who got me extravagant gifts just because I asked for them. He was magical, sure. And he got me cool presents, sure. But I recognized that my parents BOUGHT me the really cool stuff with money they had worked hard to earn. I really like that idea. So that's what I plan to continue on with my children.

So Evie has figured out the one thing that she NEEDS from Santa. It's so precious. We saw a commercial for the princess dolls last night and she comes up and climbs in my lap.

"Momma, Evie NEED princess. Sissy need too!"

"Well, baby, maybe you should ask for one from Santa."

"Yes, yes Momma. Need princess."

She has since specified that the Rapunzel doll is her favorite. And that Sissy wants Snow White. Though in all honesty, I like the Belle one better so it just depends on what's available. Because now that my sweet daughter has decided that she and her little sister NEED this doll, of course they're all sold out. *sigh*

So now I will spend my time stalking the Disney website. Yep. I'm one of THOSE parents now. haha.

But I'm so excited for Christmas. Even if my kids are trying to pull all my ornaments off my tree and chew on the packages. Ah well! Tis the season, right?

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