Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Selfish Behavior

I absolutely hate selfishness. I think it may be the personality trait that I despise the most. Though laziness is right there with it. But selfishness above all else seems to be one of the most destructive traits because with it come so many other negative ones. Selfishness leads to so many harmful decisions or can be the motivating factor behind so many bad choices.

I am not immune to the occasional selfish decision. But I try very hard to put others needs before me own, perhaps to the point of it being a flaw at times. But of course I'm as human as the next person.

Some people seem to revel in selfishness. It seems to permeate from their pores like a bad perfume. All their decisions, despite any argument, seem to be made with only their own desires in mind.

Like this craziness with the Duggars. What. The. Hell.

I totally respect anyone else's religious belief that birth control is against the Bible and whatever else. I think that some chapters of the Bible pertained more to ways of life back in the day, ya know, in the B.C. days and aren't really expected to be obeyed to the letter now. But you're entitled to glean whatever wisdom you wish and live however you choose. I just don't remember reading anything in the Bible telling us that not going at it like rabbits to make a baby every couple of years is a sin. Did I miss that chapter? Was that the 11th Commandment that the Baptists cut out? Thou shalt copulate with your spouse daily. Yeah, I missed that one completely. My poor husband.

Beyond the serious destruction that her body has to have suffered, and her psyche from dealing with 19 pregnancies, how can she possibly even remember their names? What is Michelle thinking? That must be the longest list ever when she gets mad. As often as I call Elly by her sister's name and vice versa. Those poor kids must be perpetually confused. Granted, from the couple of episodes I've seen of 19 Kids and Counting, Michelle Duggar isn't really doing a lot of the child rearing. Not of the last 10 or 15 kids anyways. They're all being raised by the older ones. Which, by the way, sucks for those kids. Because they're spending their childhoods taking care of their younger siblings. Where's the freedom? Where's the fun? Oh wait, that's right. In the Duggar's world, kids aren't supposed to be kids. Just tally marks on the ole bed post.

This whole thing is not just insane to me, but selfish.

First off, from a global point-of-view. There are 7 billion people on the planet now. SEVEN BILLION. Can you just stop and think about that? Back when God told them to go forth and multiply, I'm not sure he meant it to this extent. The human race cannot sustain itself. People like the Duggars make me think that China's one child policy isn't the worst idea a government ever had. One child seems a little severe as far as the world goes. But a two child policy doesn't seem unreasonable. The Duggars should be arrested and sterilized for producing 20 children.

Second, Michelle Duggar was told before her last pregnancy that she needed to stop. That her body couldn't handle more. She's 45 after all. It's a wonder she can still get pregnant at all. Let alone that her uterus can sustain a pregnancy. I've done two babies in two years. It is HARD. Physically it takes a lot from your body. I'm just now starting to feel like my pre-pregnancy self. And my body will never be the same as it was before I got pregnant with Evie. If she dies during this pregnancy she will be leaving 20 children without a mother. Sure those kids wouldn't be seeing a whole lot of her anyways, but why deprive the four or five younger ones that actually need some semblance of their mother in their lives?

Another risk is to the baby itself. The chances of birth defects increase dramatically after age 35. Again after age 40. Not to mention the risk of miscarriage. I cannot imagine the pain of losing a pregnancy. Why chose to do that to yourself?

And shame on TLC for making it not just okay, but entertainment! Ugh. And that crazy Joe Bob is happy! Ecstatic. He loved telling the kids they were going to have another brother or sister.

Insanity at it's finest. Poor kids. Only time will tell how messed up the little ones turn out to be because of this non-sense. Granted, Michelle Duggar has taken baby bunching to a level that I don't think anyone should ever attain. I personally am going to just let her have her world records.

If you want to read a funny blog about this here it is: The Superficial

Hope you guys have had a good Tuesday!

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