Monday, April 11, 2011

I am a total slacker...but a hard-working one!

I have got to get more on myself about blogging. I am so sorry.

In my defense, working full-time and mommying two babies full-time has been much more of a challenge than I anticipated. And it feels like work is my break. Yeah, hope my boss doesn't read that. But it is. Its the time when I get to check my email and play Angry Birds Rio (I am NEVER going to beat that stupid game) and have not a single sticky-handed person pull on my pants leg and yell "Momma Juice!" or "Momma milk!" or "Momma Momma Momma Momma!" except she's still only 20 months old so her English ain't quite that clear. But you get the idea.

I love being home with my babies. I wish we could financially handle me not working, or at least not working full-time. But we can't. I wish I had known in 2003 what I know now. I wish I could go back to young college-bound me and shake me REALLY hard. Or even 2007, graduating-moving-buying a house-getting married me. I packed way too much into that six month period and as a result I didn't really get to savor any of it. But if I had known how much debt all that would have accumulated and how much I would hate having that debt hanging over me now, I would have made some much different decisions. And then I might be at home right this minute putting one baby down for her nap and getting a bottle ready for the other. I might be spending this afternoon playing outside with Evie and enjoying this 70 degree weather rather than trapped in a cold, concrete building, staring at computer screens and wearing my sweatshirt with the heater going. Just THINKING about it makes me a little bummed and teary-eyed. But regrets really get you nowhere. So whereas I would LOVE to be at home, being driven crazy by my toddler, I'm not. I am fortunate enough to have a job that I absolutely love though. One that if I didn't have to work I would still work part-time at because I love it that much. So while I'm one of the indebted millions trying to fight out of credit card debt and mortgage debt and I don't want to even talk about student loans...I'm one of the lucky ones.

I have developed a couple of feasible scenarios which would allow me to stay home and work only part-time. But they would require being at least marginally less buried in bills than we currently are and paying off the people to whom we owe money takes time. Valuable time that I'm missing with my little people. Unless I win the lottery. Which I don't consider a feasible scenario. Especially considering I have never bought a lottery ticket.

 But until we're able for me to quit work or cut back to just part-time I will be a full-time working full-time mommying woman with a more than full plate and dramatically less time to blog than I wish I had. Sorry. I have things I'd love to blog about but I just never seem to have time.

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