Monday, April 18, 2011

Sissy is trying to talk!

So, you're going to think I'm completely insane...but I swear Elly is going to be talking way earlier than Evie even thought about. The other day I was jokingly trying to get her to say "mama" by just repeating it over and over, much to Evie's delight (she thought it was hilarious for some reason) when Elly just went "Maaaaa!" and giggled.

This morning, Josh was holding her and she was cooing and making happy faces. He asked her if she could see her Momma (I was sitting just a few feet away) and she said "Ooo-ma!" Oh my goodness. It was adorable! And she's only 2 months old! I can't wait to hear what she's she's saying in a couple more months. After Elly said that I told Evie that Sissy was going to be teaching her to talk in just a few months and Evie nodded. Hah! Kids are just too funny.

I really don't remember what she was making this face at.

Or this one. Elly has a lot of adorable faces. And like many babies...they don't really seem to relate to anything going on around them.

This is my favorite though...

This is how she sleeps...pretty much all the time.

So is it possible for a baby to be starting to try and talk this early? I only have my little late bloomer to compare to. And of course she didn't say her first words until like 8 or 9 months old. She's only just now starting to use two word phrases regularly. And those tend to involve personal pronouns..."My momma" or "My juice" or something along those lines. I think she was trying to tell Mushu he was a bad dog this morning which is certainly the most advanced sentence she's used that I've understood. "Moomoo, baa daa" was kind of what it sounded like. He was dragging her around the yard at Mimi's at the time and she was using her stern it fits. A lot of conversations with Evie involve a lot of guessing and assuming she's trying to say what you think she is. I know of people with children younger than Evie who form complete sentences. Complete sentences that you can understand. Heck! They are able to have conversations with their kids than even a stranger can understand. Even though I can have pretty simple conversations with Evie, I'm certain that a stranger couldn't.

I'm hoping that Elly's early desire to communicate means that she'll start talking early. I hope that her being a little tongue-tied doesn't affect it any. But I guess that's a bridge we'll cross when we get there.

In the mean time, Josh tells me he thinks that Elly will be even more attached to me than Evie is. Though he doesn't really have an explanation for why. She's continuing to sleep better and better at night. Sleeping til 5 or 6 in her crib then til 8 in our bed with no nighttime feedings. Just a couple more months and she'll be starting cereal and veggies and fruits and hopefully we'll all be sleeping a hundred times better.

I don't mind waking up to this precious face every day though...

Going to be bad if I'm the one with separation anxiety and crying myself to sleep when we put her back in her crib for good.

1 comment:

  1. I still think it's funny she's talking German and calling you grandma! hahaha
