Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Learning new things

Well, I was completely out of service yesterday due to a seriously sucky headache/migraine. And I think it killed some brain cells, because I had some great blog ideas last week and I can't remember a single one.

I remember an opening line to one: "Being a parent is tough, I think all of us can agree." But that's where the train of thought stops. I cannot remember where I was going to take it. And for the life of me I can't remember what the overall blog was going to be about. But I remember thinking "What a brilliant idea for a blog!" and then the opening sentence popping into my head. Mentally I told myself not to forget it. And of course, I am totally lost now.

So instead of where ever in the world of writing I was taking that sentence, I'm going to talk about my once wordless toddler who has turned into a terribly talkative two year-old. Seriously. I remember saying "I will be so happy when she starts talking." Now I just wonder when she's going to take a break.

Well, it's not that bad.


But she does pretty much narrate our day from sun-up to sun-down. And there are times where I have to interrupt her and try to divert her train of thought onto something else because after hearing her tell me the same thing 30 times I cannot handle hearing it again.

It is so much fun to have little conversations with her now. Especially because so many of her little phrases are so funny. Like the way she says "Oh no!" You'd have to hear it to really appreciate how adorably hilarious it is. But trust me. It is. Or the way she says "help," it sounds sort of like "holpe." It's adorable. Really.

The other night we were talking about the moon, which she loves. She talks about how it's white, how it's bright, how there are stars near it, how much she likes it, and how it is hers. Yes, it is her personal moon. But during this conversation, I told her that the moon was far, far away. As she processed this her little happy face just melted and she cried "Oh no!" (Which sounds like "no no" when she says it) and put her head in her hands.

She's just so funny.

She's over being traumatized about how far away the moon is as well. 

A big up to Evie's slight delay in speech though?

Her language is still simple enough that Elly can easily understand her and she's catching on very quickly to language. I think by the time she's 18 months old, she will be on the same page as Evie (who will be 3 then, in case you don't like doing math). It may sound weird, but I really think she will be talking on the same level as a three year-old. I could be wrong though.

Evie does occasionally ramble off in sentences that don't seem to be in English. Just gibberish. Sometimes it's just because she gets in a hurry and her words ran together. Sometimes she just is saying nonsense. I think that's pretty normal for two though. By three everything is supposed to be discernible and I don't have any fear that she will meet that.

Plus, she knows all her letters. She's learning the alphabet song. And I'm trying to teach her to count. So far she can count to two...sometimes three. And she knows all of her colors. And shapes. And she's learning to spell.

One of my favorite things about kids is watching them learn new things. It is amazing! Two years ago, Evie couldn't get her hand in her mouth without help. Now she's building houses out of Legos and spelling her name. Coloring pictures and narrating stories. So much and it all happens so fast! It's just amazing.

I think one thing that I am most looking forward to though, as far as learning, is reading. I cannot WAIT for them to learn to read. And for them to start wanting to read longer stories. Like Winnie the Pooh and Charlotte's Web and The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe...things that I remember my mom reading to me before bed when I was young. I hope they are both avid readers. Reading has been something that I have absolutely loved and has been an important part of my life and cannot wait to share with them. 

Regardless of what they're learning, watching them learn new things is so much fun.

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