Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Appendix to My Previous List

So, since I published Monday's post I keep realizing these weird things about myself. Funny how that works. I spent all day Monday coming up with my 10 and then I have 10 more without having even put forth ANY effort.

*Like the fact that I make lists for EVERYTHING.

*Or my seriously abnormal fear of camel crickets. Have you seen those things? No joke. They are horrifying. They have long hairy legs and bulbous bodies and creepy sticky-outty eyes. Eesh. I shudder just to think about them. Especially because when you go into the basement and turn on the light they freak slap out. And they jump all willy nilly. And they end up jumping ON TO ME! It is truly a horrific and traumatizing sort of experience.

*Or that I cannot eat a tuna sandwich without BBQ potato chips.

*Or how about the fact that I can read things upside down and backwards.

*I cannot sleep with socks on my feet. If for some freakish reason I am able to fall asleep with socks on my feet, they get kicked off during the night. Usually though I feel kinda like my feet are suffocating if I'm wearing socks in the bed.

*I am ridiculously ticklish and hate being tickled. Because I pretty much collapse in giggles and it kinda hurts.

*Even the roof of my mouth is ticklish. Seriously.

*My favorite drink is Cherry Limeade. My favorite movies of all time are Jaws, Sixteen Candles and Babe.

*I don't think I will ever be brave enough to try and light a propane grill. I am just so accident prone without trying to mix gas and an open flame.

*I like to drink a hot cup of green tea in the afternoon.

See look at all these weird things about me! haha.