Friday, October 21, 2011

The Tide of War is Receeding

So the war in Iraq is...over?

According to Obama, it's supposed to be. Or will be soon. Or will? But wait, hasn't it, sorta like, already been over?

I remember sitting in band class my senior year and watching the footage as we bombed Iraq. Here we are 8 years later. The better part of a decade has been spent "fighting" in/against/for Iraq. And other than one less sadistic maniacal dictator, what exactly does the United States have to show for it?

We have lost 4,479 American soldiers in Iraq.

That's nearly 4,500 empty seats this Thanksgiving.

It would take 9 Boeing 747's to fly that many people.

Or 82 Greyhound buses.

It's a tremendous chunk just gone from this generation of Americans.

It's a tragedy.

I hope it doesn't just go all to hell in a hand basket after American troops withdraw. Because God knows we'll just end up right back over there.

I had this tremendously long rant mapped out in my head. It was terribly liberal and irrate and heated. And in the process of preparing to write my blog, I googled to find the total number of U.S. Troops lost and on seeing the number, I just lost all my heat and hot air over the issue.

I know a lot of people were really for going to Iraq. There were a lot of horrible things going on over there. Bad people, doing bad things. And typical Americans, we feel the need to play the cowboys. Ride in and right the wrongs. Free the oppressed. Bring justice to those who deserve it.

But I just can't quit thinking about the moms and dads whose babies didn't come home.

So whereas you may have one opinion or another about the war, you may be for or against withdrawing. I want to take a moment to thank those who have gone. Thank God for those who came home. And ask God to please ease the hurt and heartache left for those who won't come back again.

No it's not Veterans Day or Memorial Day or anything else. But we should be thankful for them every day.

Okay, off my soap box. Y'all have a great week end!

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