Saturday, October 22, 2011

Seriously Sensitive to the Ick Factor

Today, we here at the Dowd household participated in that fun-filled and kinda disgusting tradition of carving pumpkins.

I was very excited...I imagined Evie digging in to the pumpkin and getting icky. In fact, I made her strip down, fearing the potential stain factor of pumpkin guts. Lemme just say that was a waste of time.

Yeah...last year, 14 month old Evie was really creeped out by the icky, sticky, stringy gunk. After sticking her hand quite briefly into her pumpkin she refused any further contact. But a year has come and gone since then. Evie has acquired all sorts of new skills and experienced a lot of things. The kid can totally get into making a mess! I really envisioned her loving gutting a pumpkin.

Apparently she just has too much of a personal attachment to the veggie.

Fortunately though, my lil punkin' headed youngin', my lil Elly-Belle got totally into the pumpkin gutting experience. She ripped goop from the insides. She chewed on the pumpkin lid. She sampled a pumpkin seed. She stretched strings of pumpkin viscera between her chubby little fingers and cackled manically. She got orange goop in her hair, on the cabinets, the trash can, Evie's hair and even MY hair.

It was a lot of fun.

Evie threw a couple of fits though. Of course. She didn't want to touch the guts. She didn't want to touch the seeds. She was mad that Sissy threw guts on her. Lots of drama, as usual.

Evie was pretty tickled by the end result.

Her face was just in complete awe when she got to see the jack-o-lanterns all lit up on the front porch after it got dark. She just loved it! On and on about her pumpkin and her sister's pumpkin.

Sissy cried when we picked all the seeds up. Cried again when I took the giant spoon we used to help scrape out the innards away from her. Chased the pan full of seeds. Then couldn't care less about the silly pumpkins once I gave her a sippy cup and a toy.

I'm still kinda bummed that Evie didn't particularly care for gutting the pumpkins. But hey, there's always next year.

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