Thursday, October 20, 2011

Is Baby Bunching Best?


It's not. I will save you the 5 minutes you might spend reading the rest of my blog right now and just say it. No. Baby bunching sucks. It's a pain in the ass. It's a 6 month-long nightmare of crying babies and diapers and spit up and sleepless nights. It's sitting with your head in your hands and crying in the corner wondering how in the hell this has ever happened.

Would I change anything? Rewrite our paths?

Absolutely not.

Already my children don't remember that horrible time period. A year from now, it will be a blur to me as well. Lost amidst the hectic day to day drama of a preschooler and a toddler. Forgotten in the laughter of two beautiful little girls who don't remember any time that they weren't together. Two sisters who will share a room and probably fight until I'm ready to pull my hair out.

In a decade, the only parts I will remember of the first 6 months of parenting two under two will be what I can read here and in the girls' baby books.

We survived. But I'm sure there will be more struggles ahead. Evie is having some serious issues adjusting to a mobile sister. And I get the impression that Sissy is going to be a BIG tattle tell. Having two girls in the terrible twos at once is going to be a bit of a handful. Sending them off to school a year apart is going to break my heart and give me some serious empty nest issues I'm afraid. Then they'll be driving at the same time, college at the same time.I don't think life is easy-peasy from here on by any means.

Would I recommend baby bunching?

It depends. I think it's something that is right for some people but not everyone. Not everyone is meant to have two kids. It's a challenge. And working full-time with two kids is a whole 'nother kind of job. Certainly having two kids in less than two years is not for everyone. But for some, it will work.

Looks like it is working okay for us.

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