Friday, July 29, 2011

I used to be a movie lover

I really miss watching movies. Watching movies was something I used to do all the time. I have this huge collection of DVDs. Movies that I used to watch over and over again. We have had Netflix for five years. And have seen a ton of movies through their fabulous flat-rate rental program. Then I had kids. And now, between work and babies and running around I rarely have time for such things. Honestly, I consider it an accomplishment if I have enough time to take a shower every day. Let alone watch a movie. There just aren't enough hours in the day anymore!

I hate that there isn't enough time too. There are all these older movies that I think that I would really LOVE to watch again. But there are only so many hours in the day. And there are all these new movies coming out all the time that I want to see! Plus TV shows that I'm a little obsessed with.

It's sad.

So, tomorrow night my toddler is going to spend the night with my in-laws. She'll be about 90 minutes away. And while I will really miss her I am kinda looking forward to a bit of a break. And my husband and I were excitedly discussing that we can catch up on our movies while she's gone. Sad, that it's the thing we're most looking forward to. That and a small chance at getting to sleep in Sunday morning. That might be nice.

The almost-two-year-old is definitely the high-maintenance kid at this point. Between tantrums and potty-training, books and Dora obsessions...well, let's just say my blood pressure is probably permanently elevated. It is frustrating and draining to try and deal with her. She's now talking enough that most of the time we communicate on a pretty even kilter. But when she can't say what she needs or I just can't understand her, she melts down. And for some reason she has been very malicious towards her sister the last few days. Of course, Elly is really at the peak of teething with her front bottom two. One is actually cutting through right now. So there's been a lot of whining and fussing from her. So maybe a bit of a break will do Evie some good too.

The 6 month-old will be staying home. She's too particular about who takes care of her and how she goes to sleep. Plus I don't know that I'm ready for her to be away from me for an entire night. Okay, in all honesty, I'm really not ready for a night completely baby free. I think I would have a panic attack and just sit in the corner and cry for a while. It's scary to think of.

But while we won't be baby-free, with just Elly at home, things will feel practically too easy. The few occasions I have had to have just one of my munchkins at home since the second was born, life has felt just TOO easy.

So I'm planning on getting some work done around the house. Getting my big grocery trip out of the way for the month. Getting the yard cleaned up some in preparation for Evie's party in a couple of weeks. Painting the deck some more. And watching movies.

We've got some DVR to watch. But that'll wait til whenever. We have a movie in from Netflix and two in from Blockbuster. I know it seems a little crazy to have both subscriptions. But it's only until August 20. That is when we will cancel our Netflix subscription. Because I'm really aggravated with them for hiking up their rates so much. And I have really fallen in love with Blockbuster during my 2 week free trial. Being able to switch them out at the store is AWESOME. Plus I get to see Blu-rays instead of DVDs. And I don't pay any extra. Yes, I have given up streaming. But a lot of the movies I want to watch aren't available to stream. And the main time I would like to stream movies is at work when we're super slow and of course Netflix is blocked at work. I don't really use the streaming. Like, at all. So I don't think I will miss it. Josh is excited about possibly getting to rent some games through the Blockbuster subscription.

So for at least a day, I will get to once more be a movie lover. I won't have to watch Dora the Explorer. It will be awesome!


  1. When I saw you were a mom of 2 under 2 I had to stop by. I've been there! Right now my youngest is 2, and Dora is also big in our house... Movies, nope, haven't seen one in the theater in a looong time.... Occasionally my husband and I are awake enough after the kids are asleep to watch maybe half a DVD. But it has to get better eventually, right?

    Stopping by from BlogHer

  2. Thanks! I'm sure it has to get better. Things are dramatically easier now than they were when #2 first came along. So hopefully it continues to get easier.
