Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And they call it Puppy Love

Evie loves Mushu. Loves him.

They are best buds. And it is just adorable.

Especially watching her walk him on the leash. And she "corrects" him and if he doesn't listen she tells him he's bad. Or hearing peals of laughter from the back seat when we're going home.

See, my mom has a boarding kennel and grooming parlor for dogs (and cats) and does day care during the day. Since she typically has a wide variety of pups staying with her, I like to take Mushu for day care when I take the girls so he can run off some energy, go for a walk, etc. So Mushu goes with us every day.

I love looking back in my rearview mirror and seeing Evie and Mushu doing something cute.

Like snuggling. Or playing some sort of strange toddler-terrier game. Or just gazing out the window.

Evie insists that she be the only one to hold Mushu's leash. In fact, drama inevitably occurs every time we get in and out of the car because to put on her seat belt she has to temporarily relinquish Mushu's leash. She's gotten better lately. But man, some days it is impossible to deal with the screaming and flailing when I ask her to please hand me his leash while she gets strapped into her car seat.

Mushu was acquired as my dog. Josh has his beagle, Emily. And I had my little terrier. The teensy dog who needs sweaters in the winter and gets excited about wearing a coat in the rain. Until Evie came along, he was definitely the baby of the house. He got Christmas presents from the grandparents and got to go to holiday get-togethers. Then Evie came along and he went from being the center of attention to being another responsibility. Bless his heart.

Despite her stealing his spot in our lives and all of our attention, Mushu doesn't hold a grudge. At least not against Evie. He has become her constant companion. Follows her around. Plays with her. Worries about her if she gets hurt or stays the night somewhere else. He's a good boy.

Evie loves that little dog. And I think the little dog loves her. Heck, I'm sure he does.

At least most of the time. When she steps on him. Or body slams him. Or steals his toys. Or puts soap in his food bowl. Or pours his food into his water. Or screams at him. Those might be times where he feels less of that warm, fuzzy devotion.

A dog is a good pet for a kid. Loving. Protective. Forgiving. I think forgiveness is important in any relationship. But especially when dealing with a toddler. They still struggle with compassion and empathy and all those emotions that can be so important in a friendship.

But this is love.

You see his little leg over the car seat? And her little arm thrown over his shoulders? Precious.

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