Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Big Sigh for Wednesday!

I filed my taxes this morning. First off, I did it all by myself with minimum outside assistance. Hoorah. But here it is only February the 1st and both my state and federal taxes have been filed. That's probably a record for me. I guess they usually get done in February. But certainly not the first day!

And with a second addition to our deductions last year...heh. Well, our tax refund is going to be really nice this year. Like when Josh and I were joking about how much we might get we joked about "If we got this much we'd do this..." and it actually is going to be that much. I don't say this to brag or anything. I hope it's not in poor taste to discuss tax refunds. I mean, technically the reason I get a tax refund is because I'm I guess it's not really something to brag about anyways. And it's easier for me to pay in more and get a refund back than risk having to come up with a couple grand in April because I didn't withhold enough. So basically I'm letting the government borrow a little bit of money each year. Some people say its stupid. But it works for us.

This is the first year though that there aren't any big plans for the tax refund though. I mean, in the past, we've always used the tax refund for something nice. Before we had kids, we would use the money for a new television or gaming system. Then once we had kids it was more about investing in things we NEEDED. Like a couple of years ago we bought a new dishwasher and refrigerator with our refund. And last year we bought a new stove and finished up the kitchen.

This year there will be no big tangible purchase. Sorry economy. I know you need my money. But this year we are going to be way more responsible with out refund. That is unless Josh talks me into something between now and when we get the refund back.

I feel like its way more responsible. At least for us. We have been carrying around credit card debt our whole relationship I guess. I have excellent credit and we used some interest-free offers on big purchases back when we were starting out. You a car...Or two. When we had emergency need of one. Yes. We bought two cars on a credit card. Two separate times. About two years apart. Maybe not the best idea, but when the transmission comes out of your Jeep and you need a car the next day...well, you do what you gotta do. So we have been making payments for the last few years, paying more than the minimum payment each month. Still has worked out that we're paying off the credit card before we would have paid off a car loan. But I just hate writing that check each month!

So first and foremost, we are paying off the last little bit of credit card debt. That will free up a little bit more income each month. Allowing us to start setting some money aside each month, which we haven't really been able to do since Josh's hours have been cut back and he's getting paid less. We have gotten by (which has been pretty miraculous some months!) but we've only gotten by. Our savings account has not seen it's monthly contributions that I have always been so dedicated to making. We have usually put back into savings any that we had to take out each month. But our savings hasn't been able to grow recently. So after we get rid of the credit card that will change.

I thought we might have a couple hundred more that we could put into savings or something after the credit card is paid off. Start saving for a nice summer vacation, you know. Or something. But once we pay off the credit card we're still going to have a nice chunk left over.

When I told my husband he got all excited. And of course he'll probably have a couple of weeks to try to talk me into something. But right now I'm thinking we will take the rest of that money and make a big payment on my car. It's our only other monthly debt that we will ever be able to make a dent in with a tax refund check. (Or other debt being our house and my student loans...I only wish I were so blessed as to get a tax refund to pay off one of those!)

So, is this the more responsible use of our tax refund? I hope so. Freeing us from one debt completely. And making it so that (God willing) we are able to pay off a second debt this year. It makes me so hopeful for our financial future! I have spent so many nights worrying about money and fretting and stressing. Wishing and praying. God really does answer prayers.

We are certainly not going from rags to riches. And we aren't suddenly well off or have a lot of financial lee way. But we may have a little bit of breathing room each month. Maybe could go out to eat once a month or something! Since I don't think my little family has had a family sit-down type meal in more than 8 months. haha. But mostly it will mean if something comes up that it doesn't devastate our finances. And maybe I will be able to sleep a little better...some nights. haha.

I have had a wonderful Wednesday and am feeling very accomplished and well...incredibly BLESSED. Especially since I only have one more day of work then I'm home free for a four day weekend. Awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Sounds like an awesome plan to me! We also had an extra deduction on ours this year since we had Bella for 8 months last year, so we are getting back more than we expected!! Most of ours is going to paying of our trailer and savings for land next year. I also wish I could pay off just one student loan lol. That would mean a little more money each month lol!
