Friday, December 23, 2011

Santa Claus is Coming Momma!

Everybody knows all the classic Christmas songs..."Wish You a Merry Christmas," "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," "Silver Bells," "White Christmas," "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." We've all sung them dozens of times. Learned the lyrics when we were little and have practiced every year since.

But Christmas music takes on a whole new dimension when you have kids. Toddlers and preschoolers are very literal people. The concept of metaphors and analogies is a bit beyond their linguistic grasp. They are new to the world of pretend and imaginary. And are still getting used to all the many layers of language. If you tell them to stop having a cow, they're going to look around and tell you they don't see a cow. It can lead to some really humorous exchanges.

Well, we have been listening to Christmas music all month. But only the last couple of weeks have we been listening to radio Christmas music. I usually listen to Trans-Siberian Orchestra through the Christmas season. But Evie didn't really get much out of that. So we switched to the radio and all the 'pop' Christmas music that you can really dance and sing along with.

So there we are in the car, when the song "Santa Claus is Coming Tonight" comes on the radio. I start singing along, not really thinking about it. Then, from the backseat, Evie yells "MOMMA!"

"What baby?"

"Santa's coming!"


"Santa's coming Momma!"

Then it clicks. Oh yeah.

"Yeah baby, he is. But not right now. He's not coming for about 12 more days."

"Oh. But...Santa's coming?"

"Yes Evie. Santa is coming. Just not today. Next weekend."

Since that day, the incident has been repeated. With different songs. Or from conversations she's overheard. I told the assistant from my eye doctor's office that I hoped she had a merry Christmas and Evie spent the next 20 minutes yelling "Merry Christmas Mommy! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas Sissy! Merry Christmas Mushu! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas Evie!" It's adorable. And pretty entertaining. I

n an attempt to correct the mistake that I made with sitting on Santa's lap (It completely escaped me that I would need to explain to Evie that little kids sit on Santa's lap to tell him what they want. Duh! Evie was happy walking up and talking to him but she totally freaked when I tried to put her on his lap. You mean kids aren't born KNOWING these things? lol) I have been going through all of our Christmas rituals step by step for her.

The ritual of setting out cookies and spreading reindeer food on the lawn. Reading Christmas stories. Talking about how Santa brings all the good boys and girls presents. Talking about how Santa will fill her stocking with goodies. We found an old skeleton key and have it hanging in the kitchen to put out on Christmas Eve. I told Evie that usually Santa comes down the chimney but since we don't have one, we will leave Santa a magic key so that he can come into our house. Of course, she REALLY wanted to put the key out right then. But I had to explain that Santa wasn't coming until Christmas Eve, so we would just wait til then. We talk about our Elf Bernard and what all he tells Santa about Evie's behavior. We talk about Jesus and his birthday and how much he loved all of us, especially little children. I hope I'm not forgetting anything.

Things have changed so much since her first Christmas. I couldn't have dreamed how much fun this would all be three years ago when I found out I was pregnant.

This morning on the way to drop the girls off at my mom's Evie heard some Christmas jingles on the radio and yelled, "Momma, Santa's coming!" And I responded with, "That's right Evie. Tomorrow night he's coming." And a look of surprise crossed her face. She doesn't necessarily get next weekend or next week. But she TOTALLY gets tomorrow. So yep. Santa Claus is coming!

Happy Christmas Eve Eve to you all!

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