Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday in the Sun

Kids are so amazing. How different they are. How fast they change. How much you can see yourself in them at time.

It amazes me how different two girls with the same basic genetic make up can be. One a blond, one a brunette. One an early chatterbox, the other a late talker. Evie was always so independent while Elly is so clingy. Elly refuses to be on a schedule while Evie melts down if hers changes. Now another difference has developed. Elly hates the water.

I don't remember Evie really loving the water until she got old enough to start playing in it. But she never hated it. Never did she cry or fight or fuss about taking a bath. Elly on the other hand...well, I think it comes down to the fact that she hates being cold. If one part of her body is the water and the other out, that part is cold and she cries. On a hot day, the pool water feels nice and she cries. It's really kinda strange. I've discovered she likes to be toasty right below the point of sweating when she sleeps. So maybe she likes to be warm. Really warm.

On Sunday I took the girls to my mom's to have a little pool day. My mom has a medium sized pool that I think is just about the perfect size. In fact, I've told Josh that I want to buy one just like it this summer. Because I think for us having just enough water for all us to be able to get in and get a little wet...its perfect. So anyways, we all went to swim. It was Sissy's first time in water that wasn't her bath and she fussed incessantly. Of course. Leave it to Elly to spoil a perfectly good plan. So I got her out and got her dried off and we laid on the blanket in the shade while Evie and Mimi played in the water.

It was pleasant enough but I really wished she enjoyed the water like her big sister. But what I want doesn't mean a whole lot to a 3 month old. Watching her roll around on the blanket while Evie tore around the yard and climbed in and out of the pool was definitely a relaxing way to spend a Sunday afternoon. So no major complaints.

She laughed and cooed and "talked" to me. When she isn't crying, she's actually pretty pleasant to be around. And the crying jags are getting shorter and further between.

Its amazing how much little people can change in such a short amount of time. Evie will be 2 in just a couple of months. Two! It blows my mind! Little Elly is suddenly able to get her hands to her mouth (just in time because she's starting to teeth), able to grab things with her hands, push up on her arms and look around during tummy time and she's starting to be able to sit up by herself when she's got a Boppy around her to stabilize. It's amazing! Thinking that a year ago now Evie was taking her first steps and that a year from now Elly will be running all over the house and climbing the walls like Evie is now. It's crazy to think about.

I hope Elly's aversion to the water changes. I will probably keep dragging her in the water this summer to see if I can't force her to at least tolerate it. In the meantime, sitting poolside and watching baby toes wiggle in the grass ain't bad...

I absolutely LOVE summer. And I'm so excited about my first summer with both girls.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Elly....being cold sucks! I hate it as well and I also want to be all but sweating when I go to sleep. If it's 75 in the bedroom I'm happy and doze right off! Tim hates it and turns the air and fan off so I end up snuggling up to him wrapped in the comforter! Ever don't mind the cold or hot but he's very hot natured and sweats at the drop of a hat so the cool is better for him.
