Friday, May 20, 2011

The End is Nigh?

I don't like to talk about religion or politics much. Because I'm young and liberal and around here those two traits don't earn you a lot of friends and can regularly turn good friends into hated enemies. It's easy to argue over both politics and religion and generally speaking whatever feelings someone has about one or the other are strong ones that evoke a heated emotional debate.

In the South, there are churches on every other corner because when politics come into play people's feelings get hurt and next thing you know half of the First Baptist Church's congregation has gone down the street and built a new church called Freedom Baptist Church and then someone gets mad 'cause they wanted to name the new church something else so now you have a third church across town called New Word Baptist Church and so on. It's how us Baptists are. Especially us Southern Baptists. And if you dont like it, well go somewhere else.

I don't typically like to talk about religion or politics but I'm afraid that today I'm going to, against my better judgement.

Harold Camping has decided/determined/been told/whatever that tomorrow, Saturday, May 21,2011 the rapture will take place. And it has created quite a stir in the news and on the Internet. Honestly, I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about this whole world ending thing. Not because I necessarily believe Camping is right. The odds are seriously against Camping being right, historically and Biblically speaking. But the thing that got me to thinking was the "what if...?"

I feel pretty confident that if the Rapture does occur tomorrow, my babies, my family and I will all be together. I've not worried about being left behind or struggling through the end days. Instead I have thought about those who would remain on Earth after the rapture. I read the Left Behind series several years ago (they're a great read if you have time) and I've read Revelations and I know that the days between Rapture and Armageddon will be horrible days. I feel pity for these people planning their After Rapture parties. Or people who joke about showing up for work Monday when no one else will be there. I worry about them.
And silly as it may be, I really worry about my poor little dog. Everyone's poor little dogs. Who will be left closed up in a house with only a couple of days worth of food and water accessible. Because starvation and dehydration are horrible and cruel and our sweet pets don't deserve it.

So, while I may not think that the world is ending tomorrow, it has certainly started me to thinking. What kind of world are we living in where people plan parties because they won't be going? That kind of breaks my heart. And I've kind of pondered what it will be like for everyone who doesn't go when they show up for work on Monday. I've thought about the movies coming out this summer, and the zoo trip we have planned for June. I will be sad to miss out on those. And it struck me that if the rapture does occur my Great Grandparents, who I miss terribly, will get to meet my little girls finally. I've wondered if my brother Ethan would go, and if so if all his health and mental issues would be fixed. So yeah, I've spent some time thinking about it. Just wondering. Not necessarily saying that I believe Camping. But the end of days is certainly something to gnaw on every once in awhile.

My weekend plans have not changed. I'm going to make a pot of chicken and dumplings. I still want to take the girls downtown tomorrow morning for a walk and to visit a couple of shops before it gets too hot. I'd really like for them to wear a couple of their new sundresses. Then I want to try and get my azaleas and forsythia trimmed back while Josh weedeats. After Evie's nap we are all going to troop outside to play until supper because the recent string of rainy days has left me a little gloomy and Vitamin K deficient and has made Evie hyper and obnoxious. And Saturday night will be spent watching a Disney movie with Evie, reading bedtime stories and snuggling on the couch til bedtime.

So has it affected you any? Have you spent any time thinking on the situation or changed your plans to accommodate an unplanned departure?

Either way, I think I'm good. But I am not telling anyone if I put out extra water for Mushu. Just in case...

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