Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Days go by

Wow. So yesterday Elly turned 6 months old. Like, officially. Really. Six months.

Please keep any smart comments to yourself about how it's time for me to be pregnant again. It's not funny. And I'm getting a little tired of people saying it.

So when I realized yesterday that Elly was officially 6 months old I wasn't really sure how to feel about it. But mostly I think I'm in shock. And a little apprehensive about the future. With Evie the 6 month mark was kind of the turning point. It was when she stopped being a useless squab and started playing with toys and interacting and pulling up on the furniture. Then one day she started crawling. It seemed like the day after she started walking. Then running.

Six months was the beginning of her not being a "baby" anymore.

Elly is definitely, probably, more than likely my last baby. And while I don't particularly love the squab phase, since this is the last time I will get to experience it, it makes me sad to think that it is ending. I just love little chubby legs and the soft baby smells and snoring babies sleeping on me. I will really miss those things. Far too soon, Elly will be crawling and walking and running all over. Then she will lose all the sweet baby rolls and sweet baby smells. She will be a toddler. Then a preschooler.

What I'm trying to say is it's all going by too fast.

I'm dismayed. Disoriented. Discontented. Disgusted. I'm running out of "dis" words...

Evie's going to be 2 in a week and Elly will be 1 far too soon. And before I have time to take a breath they're probably going to be teenagers. What on earth can I do?

Well, of course nothing.

Elly is sitting up completely solo now. Not even having to use her hands and "frog sit" anymore. She still needs a boppy around her or else she gets excited and throws herself backwards. This morning for the first time I left Elly sitting in her Boppy in the living room and came back and she was lying on her back about 6 inches away from where I left her. Gooing, kicking and incredibly proud of herself. I'm pretty sure she leaned forward and got onto her tummy, army crawled a few inches and then rolled over. It's not very impressive progress. Nonetheless, it is movement. And with babies it seems like one week they are completely incapable of doing something. The next they are doing it as if they were born able. It's amazing. Babies are amazing little critters.

Evie is saying new words every day. Now I have to carry on conversation with her in the car. Which is cool. But also new and different and a lot of pressure. I'm used to just listening to my music or catching up on my phone calls during car rides. But no more! But it's neat. Evie actually talking and stuff.

It is just blowing my mind how quick it all happens. Days turn into weeks turn into years. I could just cry.

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