Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Potty training...check.

So I don't know what point exactly you classify your kid as potty trained. But I think Evie is potty trained. I mean, she still has accidents from time to time. But those are pretty rare. And I'm still putting her in a pull up at night because, honestly, I don't want to deal with changing sheets more than once a week. Let alone possibly a few times a night. Uninterrupted sleep is just too vital to our family's functioning right now. And two-year-olds are tough enough without adding a lack of rest to the mix.

So yay. One of the first true challenges of parenthood is kinda under-the-belt. I don't look forward to doing it again here in a few months. Though the thought of not buying anymore diapers sounds AWESOME. Nearly six months of two in diapers is more than long enough.

Potty training is a challenge.

And washing your daughter's big girl undies is kinda sad.

But not buying diapers for her..FABULOUS!


  1. I completely agree! I still hate washing Ever's underwear and boxers cause it just shows me all the time how fast he is growing up but not dealing with diapers or pull-ups is so worth it! And just think...with Elly at least you got some experience under your belt and maybe it won't be so difficult and confusing!

  2. The optimal age window for puppy potty training in my experience is 8.5 - 18 weeks old. Familiarise yourself with the step-by-step processes of your chosen method, read and understand the above quick puppy potty training tips and finally, be consistent with the exercise once you start. The irrevocable result would be - your puppy will form a good potty habit. And like us, our new puppy is no different - we form our habits then, our habits form us! Susan

  3. Bedwetting means urinating unintentionally while sleeping at night. It is common for infants and children. They usually urinate unintentionally or involuntarily while sleeping. Susan

  4. Bedwetting can be an extremely stubborn issue to fix, and there are specific pitfalls that you need to be aware of as a parent. In this short article, I'll discuss the biggest things that you as a parent need to avoid when it comes to solving a bedwetting problem and hopefully by the time you're done reading this, you will have picked up on a few things which will prove to be useful. it's time to potty

  5. Washing machines are one of the most expensive home appliances. Reliable yet low cost washing machines are not that easy to find. However, with a little bit of research, one can find a low cost washing machine that has all the features one will ever need while still having the best price possible - full load, half load, quick wash, wool wash, extra rinse etc. Pressure Washing Tampa
