Friday, February 4, 2011

Where did my week go?

Oh my gosh. It's Friday! How did that happen? Where has the week gone? And why am I so tired?

Somehow I have managed to accomplish like...nothing. All week. I had this list. A list I envisioned as being fairly simple to accomplish. I had planned out the things I would accomplish at home in the mornings prior to leaving for work. And I even had activities that I could complete at work. And here I sit on Friday night wondering where my week went.

So this leaves me a long list of to-do's to do tomorrow. Ugh. I wanted to spend my weekend relaxing. I was going to take long baths and go get a mani-pedi with my best bud from high school so we could catch up because we never get to hang out anymore. Now its looking like I will spend my day frantically running errands and getting caught up on house work. I am sure I will survive. It's just not how I envisioned my final weekend as a pregnant lady. I wanted to relax dang it!

And the worst part is, I'm not really sure what happened to my week. I'm not sure where I faltered or slacked off and somehow managed to get nothing done. I've been busy every day. I've gotten some laundry done and managed to sweep the floors a few times. I have repacked my hospital bag after seeing the new weather forecast. I have walked most days and spent plenty of time with my toddler.

So, while I don't know where the week has gone and have a hectic day ahead of me tomorrow. I'm glad it's over. I'm just two days away from getting to meet this baby on the outside!

1 comment:

  1. Well, the house looked fine Wednesday while I was there and if I were you I would only do the HAVE to's like laundry, dishes, and stuff like that. Don't clean the house's just gonna get dirty again. lol Spend some last minute quailty time with Josh and Evie and enjoy it. Go the the mani-pedi and take long baths and relax! Your life is getting ready to change again and sleep and relaxation is going to be slim to none for a while so take it while you can!!!!!! Oh and watch the Super Bowl Sunday night and eat the spicy food and pull for Pittsburgh!!!!!!!!!!! haha But just relax dang it!
