Thursday, December 23, 2010

Just Starting Out

So, I'm new to this blogging thing. Not new to the writing thing however. And since I left journalism and went into the public service industry (that is the appropriate title for government work, right?) I find myself in need of some sort of outlet for my desire to write. With a 16 month old daughter and another one due in about 7 weeks (if my doctor keeps up his end of things) I'm not exactly sure where I'll come across the time to blog. But its something that I hope to be able to do regularly. To do well. And to maybe one day do for some sort of monetary gain. But first I need to get a lot of readers. heehee.

So, let me start off introducing myself. I'm 25 years old (I think...when asked my daughter's date of birth I can spout that off down to the minute but when asked mine I sometimes have to check my driver's license, which always makes the store clerks unwilling to sell me alcohol for some reason...) I live in a fairly rural area of Western North Carolina, near the Virginia state line. I have lived here most of my life and love it. My husband has just finished up the program to go into law enforcement and is in the process of getting a job in that field. Currently he works for a local convenience store chain. I know it doesn't sound like the most glamorous job but he brings home good paychecks and has pretty good benefits. Plus the company has even done Christmas bonuses the last couple of years. How many employers still do that?? Our daughter, Evelyn, is probably the funniest toddler I have ever met. I may be a little partial though. And we're expecting our second and (probably) final child in February. Another little girl. My husband is concerned about how little testosterone there will be in the house. Phooey. I think in a couple of years he'll be doing pony tails and pedicures like a pro and loving every minute of it. And although I thought I wanted a little boy, the more people tell me about the loud, wild, obnoxious and destructive behavior many boys seem to exhibit the less inclined I am to want to bring another Y chromosome into my house. I promise my husband he can buy a big truck and a bull dog and a gun. And that will just have to do!

This will be my daughter's second Christmas, but since she was a whopping 4 months old and more likely to chew on the paper than actually unwrap a present and realize what it was last year, this feels a lot like her first. I am unbelievably excited to see her reaction to the whole present experience.

And it may seem weird but I can't wait to see what she gets from her grandparents and other family members. I don't think that we spoil her but she doesn't go without many things. We try to be frugal and get things (especially clothes that she will outgrow in a week) second hand when possible and I spend a LOT of time clipping coupons and scouring the internet for big sales. Our budget wasn't big this year. My husband had his hours cut way back since he was in class full-time from May through December and although he was still working full-time it meant much smaller paychecks and we've been trying to save for the new baby and get the things she will need. Although we didn't spend very much on her this year, I feel like the presents we got have a lot more meaning because we really spent a lot of time pouring over reviews and looking through magazines to decide what she would enjoy the most and hopefully the longest. (And admittedly we were thinking towards the future to how long little sis will also get to use it, which makes it seem like an even BETTER deal, haha!) So, I cannot wait to watch her face when she opens those presents. Even though it'll probably be next year before she really "gets" the whole Christmas thing.

So, hello and Merry Christmas to anyone who is reading this!

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