Friday, December 31, 2010

Dr's Visit Update

Tuesday's doctor's appointment went well. The ultrasound showed Elly to measure 4 lbs 7 oz. Which, as my father-in-law said, is "respectable." She currently isn't big enough for the doctors to be freaking out, like they did with Evie. The doctors are however concerned with the ridiculous amount of painful contractions I've been having. They did some tests, which were negative, to see if I was going into labor. And checked my cervix, which was still closed. That's all well and good but now I have to start going to the doctor every week.

Elly is on track to be around 9 or 10 lbs at full-term if she continues to grow as she has. Evie however grew a LOT from 32-36 weeks and went from being a little big (where Elly is now) to being HUGE. So the doctor's have promised another ultrasound at 36 weeks to make sure Elly hasn't followed her sister.

I was also assured that I am not huge or fat. That the baby is very very very low already and that makes my stomach look much bigger. Of course, the doctor might have just been saying it to make me feel better. But it worked dammit. So there!

Unlike with my first pregnancy, I'm not miserable despite my considerable girth. With Evie I couldn't imagine carrying her til 40 weeks. I would prefer to only carry Elly 37 weeks and I would definitely prefer to be induced around that time, but I am not filled with agony and angst at the thought of carrying her for 8 more weeks instead of 5. Of course this whole pre-term labor thing that I am taking far too lightly might turn into something and I might have Elly early regardless of her size. But I'm not really worried about it. I do think that having my water break and frantically rushing to the hospital might be kinda we'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Heck my water broke and I was frantically rushing but my driver wasn't so it wasn't exciting for me like I thought it was gonna not like what you see on
