Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hello Baby Bump...

The first time you are pregnant, you can't wait to start showing. The first few months of waiting for your belly to pooch out are cruel. You cannot wait for that belly so that everyone that sees you knows that you're pregnant.

Subsequent pregnancies, you don't have to wait. Or at least I haven't had to. When the hormones hit my abdominal muscles they know JUST what to do. And they do it. And then this little momma is wearing maternity pants at the beginning of the second trimester. It has been interesting to watch my body change with each pregnancy. The differences, the similarities. Each baby grows its own way and makes my body its home.

The most interesting difference this time hasn't been when I show. I actually waited longer this time to start showing than I did with Elly. I was already pretty big at Evie's first birthday, and unless something crazy happens in the next couple of weeks, that won't be the case this time. I hope that means I won't be as humongous as I was with Elly. But I doubt I will be so lucky! The interesting part has been the fact that I'm already measuring ahead...and that doesn't typically happen until the second trimester. I've had a bigger belly in previous pregnancies. But the part the doc measures is the uterus height. Not the fat, bloating, constipation, etc. that causes extra belly. But just the uterus. And I know I've got belly from the icky stuff. But this time I've been able to really feel and even SEE my uterus grow.

At my last appointment, the doc said I was measuring one month ahead. One month! So I'm very anxious for my next ultrasound, and seeing if this extra growth is all uterus or all baby. On one hand I'm hoping its baby...since that's the healthiest way to grow. But at the same time, I don't want to have a 12 pounder!

Maybe by the ultrasound it will all have balanced out. Who knows

I do like having the lil baby bump. The next four or five months are the really enjoyable ones of pregnancy. Most of the woes and worries of the first trimester are behind me. I have more energy and look pregnant, but am not so pregnant that I'm miserable.

And sometime in the next few weeks I will probably be feeling baby move! I felt Elly at 14 weeks and Evie at 16. Depending on where the placenta is and all of course. I have felt some small flutters in the last week. I know a doctor will probably tell me it is just gas bubbles or whatever...but I can tell the difference. And its only been when I am sitting in such a way that my tummy is kinda cramped. I am looking forward to the real kicks and flips and hiccups. That is one of my favorite parts of pregnancy!

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