Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's official

So. It's public. I am pregnant.

I've peed on a few sticks. Peed in a cup. And I've even seen the baby on an ultrasound!

So I'm really pregnant.

Before you even ask, yes, we wanted a third one. No, this is not an accident. Yes, we know what causes that. And no, we weren't trying for a boy, though my husband will probably dance a jig if this baby has dangley bits at the 20 week ultrasound.

I blogged a few months ago about the difficult decision to have additional children. After much discussion, my husband and I decided that we did want another child. Now, here we are. Number three is due in February 2013.

So far, things are going well. Morning sickness has been mild. I have been super exhausted and needing a lot of sleep. But as long as I go to bed when the girls do and don't stay up watching television, I feel okay. That means I'm getting about 9-10 hours of sleep most nights. Which is pretty crazy since I used to get about 6-8 hours of sleep. I am not doing nearly as much around the house as I was. My husband has banned me from using the stairs to the basement which means no more laundry. And he has been doing a LOT of the cooking and cleaning. I know I will have the energy to resume a lot of that once the first trimester is over, but for now it is REALLY nice to just rest. Means I get to spend a lot more time watching my babies play. And it's really touching that my husband has done so much to step up and help out.

I have also felt a lot more of the "stretching" pains super early. In the last two pregnancies, I remember having stretching pains, ligaments and joins and muscles that have to accommodate that big ole uterus, but it wasn't until I had a big ole uterus. Right now my uterus is about the size of an orange. Not really very big! So, I find the pains to be a little puzzling. But the nurses assure me it's completely normal, especially in later pregnancies. Apparently since my body has done this twice before, the moment those pregnancy hormones hit my body resumed "pregnancy mode."

Even though I'm only 6.5 weeks, I can already see a difference in my body. I haven't gained any pregnancy weight but my pants are tighter. My belly is bit more poochy. I'm looking forward to the bigger boobs. I have missed them! haha. But I didn't miss my clothes not fitting!

Only 5 weeks left of my first trimester. This pregnancy is already flying by! And I'm going to a new OB this time. Was tired of the drive to my old doctor and they have gotten so popular that it is nearly impossible to get an appointment. While I will miss the staff and familiarity of my previous doctor's office, it is nice to have a 10 minute drive instead of 30-45 minutes. And when I had some spotting/bleeding last week, my old doctor's office told me they could see me in July. The new one got me in yesterday. So, I'm already pretty happy with my decision.

I guess a new pregnancy will certainly give me something to blog about. Maybe I can remember to post more than once a month! haha. Maybe.

And I'm already having humorous preggo stories.

Like, when I first told Evie that we were going to have another baby, she literally got up and walked off. Told me that she didn't want to talk about it. Of course, later, she came back and asked questions. Wanted to make sure that the baby wasn't going to mess up her birthday (which is pretty huge for her right now!) and wanted to make sure that Christmas wouldn't be affected. I assured her that the baby wouldn't be here until after her birthday and Christmas. I also explained that Evie would be promoted to "Biggest" sister and Elly would become the "Big" sister and Evie was SUPER excited about that. Of course, Evie has told me she wants a little brother. We shall see.

Last week, I watched Tangled with my family, all of us piled up on the couch, and at the end when Eugene/Flynn dies I started crying. Now, I have seen this movie a hundred times. I have never cried, never even sniffled, when he died. This time it was full on fountain of tears. Evie took my hand and asked "Momma...what's wrong?" When I answered nothing, she continued to stare at me...a bit incredulous that I was crying. "Momma...this is a happy ending." Of course I couldn't explain silly hormones. "Momma, it's going to be okay. Rapunzel is going to heal him. It's okay." I'm not sure which of us was more relieved when I finally stopped crying. Josh laughed the whole time.

And just as a random side note: All I want to eat is Spam. Spam. Spam. And more spam. Yummy. Fried Eggs with fried spam on toast with mayo and a thick slice of cheddar cheese is HEAVENLY. It's the strangest thing.

Oh, and I've been having numerous zombie apocalypse dreams. Dunno what is up with that.

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